Thursday, December 3, 2009

Infertility Treatments - Spending Wisely At Home and Abroad By Lauri Berger de Brito ~ PART ONE

No matter where you are going for your fertility treatments there's no avoiding the simple fact that it will cost you money. Often times, travelling abroad will save you money, but for many, it will mean spending even more. Either way there are some things you should consider before taking out your checkbook. Remember, an informed patient is often a happy patient (and hopefully a pregnant one too.)

1.Shop around. Not all Reproductive Endocrinologists (RE) or fertility clinics are created equal. Some doctors and their support staff have better bedside manners, ones who will keep your spirits up even if your beta numbers are dropping; some clinics have staff who speak more than one language and doctors who are accessible via email or cell phone; some clinics cost less; and others have better statistics. So, before locking into one clinic or RE you should prioritize what is most important to you - cost, experience, bedside manner, location, etc. Also, don't fall into the trap of going where your friend or an acquaintance got pregnant since this may not be the best choice for you. Your fertility issues may not be the same. Your best path is to set up consults with more than one doctor/clinic and asking lots of questions. Doing your homework upfront and being patient (even though you want to be pregnant yesterday) can save you time, money and heartache in the end.

2. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Go beyond the clinic or doctor's website and Google his or her name on the web. See if others like their experience or if there are chronic problems. You should also determine how many cycles they perform a year. The more they do often increases their expertise and success rate. Check to make sure the laboratory is headed by a full-time, experienced andrologist or embryologist. Again, in many cases the more procedures a clinic perform, the greater the skill level. Find out the cost of the treatment(s) you want. Costs can vary greatly in the same country even between clinics in the same city. And remember, a high price tag does not always guarantee the best treatment. Make sure the physicians, nurses and or coordinators answer all of your questions adequately, don't; rush you and return you phone calls and emails in a timely manner. Better yet, if you find an RE who is willing to directly communicate with you via email (and not just through their staff), this can be a big plus in helping to alleviate stress during the IVF/DE/GS process.

3. Ask for discounts. Sometimes clinics are conducting a study or studies that are underwritten by pharmaceutical or research companies and are not heavily promoted. You might qualify for one of them and this can lead to small or even big savings. Some clinics will discount if you pay for procedures and medications in advance. Some clinics offer things like shared cycles on egg donors, or discounts for purchasing multiple cycles in advance. The later (which can be called a 'shared risk' cycle) is very much like purchasing an insurance policy - if you need more than one or even two cycles you end up getting a deal or in some cases, a significant monetary refund. If it just takes one try to get pregnant, then you usually have paid more than you needed to -- that's what makes it a 'shared risk.' The bottom line is that with the way the economy is right now many clinics are offering discounts, if you just ask. So don't be shy, speak up! -- because if you don't, most clinics aren't going to volunteer the information.

Please come back to read PART TWO with 4 more great money saving tips!

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